Common Pet Surgeries

Whether your cat or dog has a broken bone or a decayed tooth, he or she may need surgery. At Wintermere Pointe Animal Hospital in Winter Garden, FL, we offer various surgical procedures to alleviate any pain or discomfort your pet is experiencing and improve its overall health. Before you visit us, learn about some common pet surgeries below:

What Are Some Common Animal Surgical Procedures?

First, many pets will undergo spaying or neutering. These relatively simple procedures can enhance your companion’s health, improve behavior, and also help control animal populations. The surgeries are also generally safe and quite affordable.

Tooth extractions are another common pet surgery. While cavities can be fixed, your pet may need an extraction to prevent infections or further complications. If your furry friend has a cut in his or her mouth, surgery might also be needed.

Sometimes pets suffer from growths on their skin, which may require a surgical procedure. If tumors or other cancerous growths are found, it may be possible to remove them with surgery. Additionally, A procedure may also be necessary to repair fractured bones, remove foreign objects, and extract various tissues.

Before any surgery, we will examine your pet and explain the procedure to you in detail. We also utilize anesthesia to keep your cat or dog safe and comfortable during the surgery.

When is Emergency Pet Surgery Necessary?

If your pet has suffered a severe injury, swallowed something dangerous, or seems gravely ill, you should seek emergency care from our veterinarian right away. After a thorough assessment, we will determine the proper care and treatment. Our vet will also provide you with aftercare instructions to ensure that your furry companion recovers smoothly.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today!

To learn more about pet surgery or to schedule your visit, contact Wintermere Pointe Animal Hospital in Winter Garden, FL, at (407) 554-3422 today. We are happy to provide you with additional information and set you up with an appointment. When you need a veterinarian near me, our team looks forward to assisting you!